No one suspects that the deadly pharmaceutical and viral disasters ravaging the African continent have been the fallout from one person’s intent to acquire immortality.
Not until two pregnant teenagers escape their captors and stumble into an African refugee camp.
When one of the escapees suffers a strange and bloody death, Dr. Rachel Allen, an infectious disease specialist aboard a humanitarian medical ship ported on the Central African coast is summoned to the Congo. Despite the danger, Rachel answers the plea of the refugee camp’s only doctor and leaves her post. But by the time she discovers the ancient virus she believed securely held in an American vault has been weaponized, it is too late to call for help. If this new potential bioweapon is launched beyond the borders of Africa, it will destroy more than the world. It will destroy everything she believes to be true about the man she loved.
Buckle in.
The stunning conclusion to the Agents of Mercy series is a heart-pounding ride that brings together the characters you’ve come to love from GHOST HEART, PORT OF ORIGIN, and LETHAL OUTBREAK.
You won’t believe who orchestrated every deadly move from the first page to the last. . .and all of it was done in the name of scientific progress.